Just a Thought

Good morning. Good afternoon and Good evening saints. I was just thinking . . . . .

Henceforth, do not let the enemy make you lose sight of The Most High’s instructions. For in doing so you could lose the best blessing you ever had.

How will he bring this to pass you say?

He will purvey this blurred vision through an issue that will attack your peace causing an emotional stressful attack which will divide your vision as well as your attention.

Matthew 6:22 says, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light”.

The bigger issue is that whatever affects your vision also equally affects your faith. (Double vision Double mind)

For in losing sight of your mission you can equally lose the extending of The Lords hand in which inhabits your blessings.

At the very least the enemy seeks to skew your vision, through chicanery, to cause you to lose sight of or see your mission (that which God has appointed for you to do or as written in scripture) from the wrong perspective causing failure.

Maintaining your focus allows you to maintain your mission. Maintaining your mission allows you to maintain your blessings, in addition to your peace, which The Lord has given you. Stay focused and do everything out of love and obedience.

Much Love

Pastor Ken (P.K.)